Time and again, we receive panicked calls from stranded players or their parents about scholarship deals gone bad, and often they’re desperately looking for a solution. Quick money can be made by making seemingly great offers to passionate players looking for a future in football / soccer, only for the offer to turn out to be unrealistic and unsuitable.
The college scholarship environment is highly complex and competitive. Being the right fit for a university soccer team, isn’t as simple as being scouted once from the side of the field at a tournament or match. There are many regulations to be aware of, many complicated processes to navigate, and that’s if you are even the right fit at all.
It is somewhat of an art to find the right player, for the right programme, at the right price, in the right time-frame.
If you’re thinking of pursuing a soccer scholarship in the USA, simply send us a contact form so that we can discuss your options.
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